
Piano Moving Service

A high quality, bespoke moving service

Over the years, we’ve built our business on providing quality service our clients can always rely on. We’ll always take the time to discuss any specific needs and concerns when moving your piano. Since pianos are usually highly valuable items, we understand your need to be reassured the piano will treated properly during every stage of a move. 

If you’ve got questions or would like a quote to move your piano, feel free to contact our team. We’re always here to provide a level of service you expect from the best piano movers around.

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Compare us against standard movers

Service Kent Piano Movers A Moving Company
Training We have a full trained specialised team with many years of experience in piano moving Unlikely to have any specific piano moving experience and even less likely to receive training for moving pianos
Equipment Every piano move is different and requires many different size ramps boxes piano dollies and gizmos – we have all these on-board at all times It is not feasible for moving companies to carry the right equipment around – it would take up to much room that would normally be required for more general moves
Specialist Equipment Piano moves often require a move across grass or deep gravel and a purpose-built dolly is required No specialist moving equipment
Transportation Purpose-built vans that are specifically kitted out to carry and protect your piano Standard moving vans with limited points to fasten large and heavy objects – or commonly hired vans that have no specialist moving apparatus
Insurance We have the appropriate insurance that covers the move and any damage to home or contents up to £40,000 for a single item and £1 million in public liability cover Many moving services lack dedicated insurance and would rarely have a single value that would cover the cost to replace a piano
Flexibility Flexibility with time and availability, Kent Piano Movers can normally quote and move you piano within just a couple days Moving companies are normally fully booked for weeks and cannot always offer the day you require

We have the right tools for the job

As a dedicated mover of pianos, we come prepared! We are well-equipped to move even the largest pianos safely around the most challenging of environments.

Traversing with a dolly

You will notice that many pianos have some type of caster; however they should not be relied on to move a piano across a floor as they are renowned for gouging durable hardwood floors and causing damage to carpets. 

Fortunately, we have the tools available to move your piano over any type of flooring. Dollies are the most important tools in our arsenal – forming a rigid platform to traverse through most locations, but other equipment is commonly applied to ensure your piano does not make contact with its surroundings.

Vans play a vital role

Surely any van will do the job? Well, pianos can easily be damaged if they’re not transported in vans specifically designed to keep them safe. We know that not just any van can be trusted your prized possession – our vans are specially optimised to provide the protection any type of piano demands. Whether it is a local delivery or a move on a national scale, we’ve got it covered down to the additional padding. This provides an extra level of safety many typical movers will not have on offer. 

Get your piano moved


Keeping your costs down

We know our customers don’t want to spend more than necessary to move their pianos, so we’re always willing to offer suggestions that will keep that expense as low as possible. Time is of the essence so we may be able to offer an alternative date to group together a few moves – saving time and giving you a discounted rate. On the day, if there are fewer obstacles, this will also save time and can potentially save money if these impediments added up to a delayed schedule. 

So, how do we estimate the cost for a move?

There are a number of factors for us to consider: the size of the piano (the larger the piano, the more it will cost to move, the amount of time it will take our team to move the piano and the type of equipment needed and the size of the crew.

Naturally, pianos located on upper levels of a home will also cost more to move as traversing either up or down stairways is usually more difficult and time-consuming. Other factors include the number of floors to traverse and the ground that’s covered such as lawns or gravel drives.

If the piano needs to be partially disassembled, that will also add to the final cost.

If you’ve got some type of unique situation, we’re always here to offer advice and determine the best way to complete the move and keep the costs manageable. While our quotation form is succinct, we ask the right questions to assist with offering an accurate quote at the lowest possible price for you.

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